Financial Information
Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2014, (V2015, which may be viewed under the Governance tab, above), Hannington Parish Council is required to publish the following financial information:
- All items of expenditure above £100 (this is included in the annual bank statements).
- End of year accounting statement.
- Annual Governance Statement. (see the separate AGAR sub-tab under 'Governance', above).
- Internal audit report.
- List of Councillor's financial responsibilities allocated to them by the council (if any). Hannington Parish Council has, to date, not delegated any responsibilities to Councillors, but has retained authority to the full Council.
- The details of public land and building assets - if any - (Asset Register)
Use the drop down menu to select the accounting year that you are interested in. Within each year, files will include the following:
I. Budget, Grants and Precept - This section records what the Parish Council has agreed as its Budget for the forthcoming year. The meeting to agree the Budget is usually held in December. However, it may be deferred if it is waiting for further information from BDBC on the Council Tax and Precept Regulations that will apply. The Budget decision will take into account the anticipated cash balance as at 1st April, the predicted expenditure in the year (1st April to 31st March), the income it anticipates from various grant sources, and the Precept it will request BDBC to collect on its behalf through the levying of the Council Tax. The combination of these factors will generate a predicted cash balance as at the end of the financial year ie 31st March. The cash balance at the end of the year should be sufficient and adequate to cover anticipated and planned administrative costs AND provide a sufficient reserve to cover any reasonably anticipated one-off items of expenditure.
2. Financial Monitoring - The Clerk or the RFO (Responsible Financial Officer), will report on the parish accounts at each quarterly meeting, identifying all receipts and payments to date, plus those further items of income and expenditure that are predicted to be received/spent by the end of the financial year. At each meeting, the Parish Council formally approves all invoices for payment (including any retrospective payments which may have been approved by email, because the invoices fell due in between council meetings). Nearly all council payments are made online, via the council's digital banking portal. The financial monitoring report to council will also include a bank reconciliation statement, details of cash held in reserve /9in a savings account), the latest predicted cash balance at the year end and the income/expenditure reported to be made by the end of the year.
3. Final Accounts including Audit Reports - This section includes the Financial Statement prepared as at 31st March, together with requisite supporting documents required by the internal and external auditors, such as copies of annual bank statements, the fixed asset register and other information required to prepare the final accounts.
1. to prevent the data on this website becoming unwieldy - only records for the last five years are displayed. Records pertaining to earlier years are stored in an offline archive. Should you wish to review these - please contact the Clerk.
2. Data for certain years is incomplete, notably for 2019 and 2020 when the parish did not have a fully resourced Clerk or RFO. Where the data is available, we will upload missing data retrospectively, to fill any gaps and to provide as complete a record as possible.
Page last reviewed Jan 2025.